Back El camí de s'Esquena de s'Ermita

The Camí de s'Esquena de s'Ermita

Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 4.324 km
Climb: 311 m
Negative climb: 311 m
Estimated time: 1 h 50 min

The walk

These lands, steeped in antiquity, where the first settlers settled for the protection of the mountains, are communal lands used since ancient times by neighbors who extracted firewood to feed the furnaces, carcera to feed the animals, pastures for ships, myrtle to make perfumes, and hunting to complete your diet. An activity practiced with ancestral techniques, whose testimonies are visible along the route.

Not suitable for: children's pushchair, wheelchairs

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Departament de Sostenibilitat i Medi Ambient
C/ del General Riera, 111, 07010 Palma
(+34) 971 213 960


Unitat de Pedra en Sec i Senderisme


C/ del General Riera, 111, 07010 Palma


(+34) 971 173 650


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