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Sant Antoni
On the eve of Sant Antoni Abad bonfires are lit in the town streets and squares and the people grill typical Mallorcan top-quality pork sausages (sobrassada, llonganissa, llom, botifarró, etc) while listening to the xeremies (traditional bagpipes) and tambourines. The Dance of the Devils represents the temptations of Sant Antoni. In sa Pobla the traditional dish is espinagades, a pasty made from eels and spinach, flavoured with spices. A float parade, high mass and the blessing of animals to seek the protection of the saint take place in many towns of Mallorca. In Sant Antoni's pine festival of Pollença the young people from the town fell a tall pine in the mountains and after removing its branches and rubbing the trunk with soap, they erect it in front of the church. The first person to climb it claims the prize waiting at the top.